
Tag Archives: New Leaf

*ETA* A wonderful commenter from CASology told me I could also link this card up with Addicted to CAS. I’ve never linked up with this challenge before, so I’m excited!!! The DT is awesome and there are some really cool entries!

Yay for getting to participate in the CASology Challenge this week! My PTI order arrived in the nick of time 😉 Here is the challenge this week,

Week 88 - LuckyI ordered the Wonderful Words dies and one of the words is…

32LOL. 🙂 I wanted to layer a bunch of the lucky die cuts in a pile, but then I realized you couldn’t tell what it said, so I settled on two with a green theme 🙂 I was kind of going for a sort of shadow effect, but I didn’t want it to look too “organized.” LOL, I still wanted a little bit of an off beat-ness to it…is that a word? Or phrase? O well, 🙂 I also used stamps from two different sets to complete the sentiment. I love it when stamps play well together. 🙂

Hope you like it!

Supply List (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Rustic Cream, Simply Chartreuse, New Leaf

Stamps: Wonderful Words: Thank You Stamp Set, Bountiful Banners Stamp Set, Wet Paint Stamp Set (for the little circle heart)

Inks: Ripe Avocado Ink Pad, Dark Chocolate Ink Pad, Classic Kraft Ink Pad

Dies: Wonderful Words Dies (Lucky)

Other: Tombow Adhesive

Now it’s time for Papertrey Ink’s Make It Monday! (And also the CAS-ual Fridays Button Challenge. Woop Woop!)

I get so excited when Papertrey Ink has a new release! I saw the first sneak peeks when I was looking for the Make It Monday Video. August is always my favorite because of Halloween! I can’t wait! I haven’t been able to order for awhile so my wish list is about 10 miles long now, LOL!

Anyway, back to my card, haha 🙂 This week the technique is to stamp a random background.

8I don’t know why, but I immediately thought of The Sweet Life stamp set and wanted a bird to go with it. I pulled out the little bird from Trendy Tree Tops, but it just wasn’t right. Then I remembered there was a bird in the Grunge Me set so I whipped it out and low and behold, the poor forgotten Hummingbird! (I use the other images like the paint splatters and the dots and stripes A LOT more often and sort of forget about that cute little birdy.) And to go with my bright feeling background I used my favorite sentiment in the We Go Together stamp set. 🙂

Hope you like it!

Supply List (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Rustic Cream, Stamper’s Select White, Recollections Vellum

Stamps: We Go Together, Gunge Me, The Sweet Life

Inks: Aqua Mist, Ocean Tides, New Leaf, Memento Lady Bug, Memento Angel Pink, VersaMark Watermark

Other: Foam Tape, Gold Embossing Powder, Xyron X, Buttons from my stash, Honeydew Twine from the Twinery

Hello there Muse, it’s been awhile. I am glad to be back. 🙂

Here is the inspiration card this week,

DSC_0022 (1)I loved it and wanted to do a smaller version,

6I really like how it turned out! I’ve been on a “make everything in mini” mind set lately and thought this was the perfect time to try it out, LOL.

Hope you like it. 🙂

Supply list (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Vintage Cream, Pure Poppy

Stamps: Heart-2-Heart #11, Mini Blooms

Inks: True Black, New Leaf, Memento Lady Bug, Memento Angel Pink

Dies: Framed Out #12, Mini Blooms

Other: Elmer’s Glue Dots: Tiny, Xyron X

I’m back with an entry for this weeks Camp Challenge over at CASology!

Week 55 - CampHere we go,

4I knew I wanted to use my Cricut Campin’ Critters cartridge because I have never used it! This little guy was so cute I just couldn’t resist. 🙂 I used my Watercolor Wonders stamp set for the “trail.”

PS: Thanks so much to the CASology DT for picking me as an honorable mention for the Gold challenge last week! I really appreciate it! 🙂

Hope you like new one! 🙂

Supply List (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Rustic Cream, Recollections: Neon Green, Olive Green, Cream, Kraft, Dark Brown

Stamps: Fabulous Frames, Watercolor Wonder

Inks: New Leaf, Aqua Mist, Smokey Shadow

Other: Foam Tape

Hello MUSE, I’m back! 🙂

This week we have a gorgeous card to CASE by Michelle Williams. 🙂

GDMichelle WilliamsLike I said, Gorgeous! I’ve bee a fan of her’s for a while. 🙂

Here is my take,

DSCN2387I was inspired by the framing of the sentiment and by the flowers. 🙂 At first I just had the frame with the flowers, but I felt it needed something else so I added the lace with a bit of DP 🙂

Hope you like it! 🙂

Supply List (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Rustic Cream

DP: Recollections The Sweetest Thing Stack

Stamps: Funky Florals, Mini Blooms

Inks: Royal Velvet, Summer Sunrise, New Leaf, Memento Lady Bug, Memento Angel Pink

Dies: Mini Blooms, Fabulous Frames

Other: Foam Tape, Martha Stewart Lace Ribbon

This week’s Make It Monday with Papertrey Ink is super cute! I would have NEVER thought to use a comb of all things to give my stamps more texture and a completely different look. It’s absolutely genius! 🙂 Here is my card,

DSCN2378I used some masking to box in the sentiment. 🙂

Hope you like it! 🙂

Supply List (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Stamper’s Select White, Rustic Cream, DCWV Pink

Stamps: Mini Blooms, Beautiful Blooms II

Inks: New Leaf, Simply Chartreuse, Berry Sorbet, Smokey Shadow, True Black, Memento Angel Pink

Dies: Martha Stewart Butterfly Punches, Martha Stewart Corner Rounder


So this week I watched the PTI Make It Monday tutorial video before I saw the Muse card, so when I did see the Muse challenge a light bulb clicked on. 🙂 I thought “hey I can use the PTI Make It Monday technique on my flowers for my Muse card!” Oh happy day. 🙂 Love it when that happens. So here is the Muse’s card,

Thinking of YouGorgeous right? 🙂 And here is my card in which I also use the Make It Monday technique,

DSCN2356I was inspired by some of the colors and the layout of the Muse’s card, and I water colored over some white embossing per the Make It Monday technique for my flowers and leaves. 🙂

Hope you like it!

Supply List (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Rustic Cream, Stamper’s Select White

Stamps: The Sweet Life, Boutique Borders: Mother

Inks: Smokey Shadow, Aqua Mist, Simply Chartreuse, New Leaf, Berry Sorbet, Scarlet Jewel

Other: American Crafts Wow! Embossing Powder White, ATG Gun, Paint Brushes

So I thought these two challenges went together extremely well this week. 🙂 For CAS-ual Fridays the theme is Chevrons and Flowers, and here is CAS(E) This Sketch #22

cts22So when I put them together I get,

DSCN2355I’m still going strong with the negative die cuts, LOL!

Hope you like it!

Supply List (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Stamper’s Select White

DP: DCWV Serenity Stack

Stamps: The Sweet Life, Heart-2-Heart #3

Inks: Scarlet Jewel, Simply Chartreuse, New Leaf, Tsukineko Sahara Sand

Dies: Tag Sale #5, The Sweet Life, EK Success Ric Rac Border Punch

Other: Foam Tape, Ribbon, Gold Embossing Powder, Embossing Ink, Xyron X

*** EDITED TO ADD: I didn’t realize until after I posted this card and refreshed the CAS-ual Fridays blog that I WON last week with this card!!!!!!!!!!! Woah, totally giddy over here!!!!!!! Thanks a bunch CAS-ual Fridays, you guys rock! 🙂 ***

So for the CAS-ual Friday’s Challenge to use chip board on your card I decided to experiment a bit outside my box. Here is my card,

DSCN2304I used my Bella Blvd chip board tree as a starting off point, but still wanted you add a bit of abstraction so I used my Watercolor Wonder set to make the background.

Hope you like, it’s a bit out of my box, adding abstraction to a created scene, but I think it may be growing on me a bit…

Supply List (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Stamper’s Select White

DP: Aqua Mist Pattern Pack

Stamps: Watercolor Wonder, MFT Clearly Sentimental About New Beginnings

Inks: New Leaf, Simply Chartreuse, Tsukineko Hint of Pesto, Martha Stewart Leaf Bud

Dies: Heart-2-Heart #6

Other: Bella Blvd chip board tree, Xyron X

Wow, that’s two weeks in a row I have been able to participate in Papertrey Ink’s Make It Monday! Woo Hoo! There is definitely something to be said for getting organized, even if it is just a little at a time. 😉 This week the technique is two toned stamping, so here is my experiment with it…

DSCN2291I realized after I started editing the photo that my ribbon is a little wonky. Oops. My son is making it a bit difficult to re-take the picture…in a good way of course, LOL. 🙂

Hope you like it!

Supply List (all products are PTI unless otherwise noted) :

Cardstock: Raspberry Fizz and Vintage Cream

Stamps: Beautiful Blooms II, The Sweet Life, and Heart-2Heart #3

Inks: Fine Linen, Berry Sorbet, Scarlet Jewel, Simply Chartreuse, New Leaf, Harvest Gold, and Martha Stewart Wasabi

Dies: The Sweet Life

Other: Foam Tape, Ribbon from JoAnn’s, and Black embossing powder